Male U11 - Under 11 Supergroup
Wednesday 11/27/2024
10:30 AM
Gosling Sp- Field 1B
Wednesday 11/27/2024
10:30 AM
Inwood SC ID Gfi Mls Next I 14b North Edpl Q
Gosling Sp- Field 2A
Wednesday 11/27/2024
10:30 AM
Attack FC Sarmiento 2014B Elite
Wendtwoods- Field 1B
Wednesday 11/27/2024
11:45 AM
Gosling Sp- Field 2A
Wednesday 11/27/2024
2:15 PM
Inwood SC ID Gfi Mls Next I 14b North Edpl Q
Gosling Sp- Field 2A
Wednesday 11/27/2024
2:15 PM
Gosling Sp- Field 2B
Wednesday 11/27/2024
2:15 PM
ID Houston Allstars 14B
Wendtwoods- Field 1A
Wednesday 11/27/2024
3:30 PM
Gosling Sp- Field 1B
Wednesday 11/27/2024
6:00 PM
Gosling Sp- Field 1B
Wednesday 11/27/2024
6:00 PM
Gosling Sp- Field 2A
Wednesday 11/27/2024
6:00 PM
ID Houston Allstars 14B
Attack FC Sarmiento 2014B Elite
Gosling Sp- Field 2B
Wednesday 11/27/2024
7:10 PM
Gosling Sp- Field 1B
Thursday 11/28/2024
9:10 AM
Gosling Sp- Field 2B
Thursday 11/28/2024
11:30 AM
Gosling Speld 4A 9v9
Thursday 11/28/2024
11:30 AM
Wendtwoods- Field 1A
Thursday 11/28/2024
12:40 PM
Attack FC Sarmiento 2014B Elite
Inwood SC ID Gfi Mls Next I 14b North Edpl Q
Gosling Speld 4A 9v9
Thursday 11/28/2024
12:40 PM
Gosling Speld 4B 9v9
Thursday 11/28/2024
1:50 PM
ID Houston Allstars 14B
Gosling Speld 4B 9v9
Friday 11/29/2024
12:50 PM
Gosling Sp- Field 1B
Friday 11/29/2024
12:50 PM
Gosling Sp- Field 2A
Friday 11/29/2024
12:50 PM
ID Houston Allstars 14B
Gosling Speld 4B 9v9
Friday 11/29/2024
2:00 PM
Inwood SC ID Gfi Mls Next I 14b North Edpl Q
Gosling Speld 4A 9v9
Friday 11/29/2024
3:10 PM
Gosling Speld 4A 9v9
Friday 11/29/2024
3:10 PM
Attack FC Sarmiento 2014B Elite
Gosling Speld 4B 9v9
Saturday 11/30/2024
Semi Final
1:15 PM
Inwood SC ID Gfi Mls Next I 14b North Edpl Q
Gosling Sp- Field 2A
Saturday 11/30/2024
Semi Final
1:15 PM
Gosling Sp- Field 2B
Saturday 11/30/2024
Semi Final
3:00 PM
ID Houston Allstars 14B
Gosling Sp- Field 2A
Saturday 11/30/2024
Semi Final
3:00 PM
Gosling Sp- Field 2B
Saturday 11/30/2024
Semi Final
3:00 PM
Gosling Speld 4A 9v9
Saturday 11/30/2024
Semi Final
3:00 PM
Attack FC Sarmiento 2014B Elite
Gosling Speld 4B 9v9
Sunday 12/1/2024
11:50 AM
Inwood SC ID Gfi Mls Next I 14b North Edpl Q
Gosling Speld 4A 9v9
Sunday 12/1/2024
11:50 AM
Gosling Speld 4B 9v9
Sunday 12/1/2024
1:30 PM
Gosling Speld 4B 9v9
Click any team name to see the full schedule for that team.
For further information on the standings, contact the tournment director