High Avg. Low Spread Global Upsets Under 12/13 Boys White Division9999N/RN/R N/ANoneDA BOYZ
Club NO CLUB (NC) North Carolina U12 born in 2013 Boys 01/25/25 N/R The Legends W 8-5 01/25/25 N/R The Future Z's W 7-4 01/25/25 N/R Wolves FC W 1-0 01/25/25 N/R Wolves FC L 2-7 THE FUTURE Z'S
Club North Carolina FC Youth (NCFCY) North Carolina U12 born in 2013 Boys 01/25/25 N/R Wolves FC L 1-7 01/25/25 N/R The Legends L 5-6 01/25/25 N/R The Legends T 4-4 THE LEGENDS
Club (12U) NCFC Youth North Carolina U12 born in 2013 Boys 01/25/25 N/R Wolves FC L 5-7 01/25/25 N/R The Future Z's W 6-5 01/25/25 N/R The Future Z's T 4-4 WOLVES FC
Club North Carolina North Carolina U13 born in 2012 Boys 01/25/25 N/R The Future Z's W 7-1 01/25/25 N/R The Legends W 7-5 |