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Male U8 - U8B Alpha - Academy | Champion: Basc 2017b Dark Knights Price Finalist: Tulsa Soccer Club Tulsa SC 17b White | N/A |
Male U8 - U8B Bravo - Academy | Champion: Tulsa SC 17b Red Finalist: Broken Arrow SC Total Chaos - Burgess | N/A |
Male U8 - U8B Charlie - Academy | Champion: Blitz Academy FC 17b Premier Finalist: Elevatefc 17 - Orange | N/A |
Male U8 - U8B Delta - Recreational | Champion: Edmond SC 2018 Rogue FC Finalist: Sapulpa SC Goats | N/A |
Male U9 - U9B Alpha - Academy | Champion: River Valley FC Academy 2016 Boys Silver Finalist: Blitz Academy FC 17 Boys Afc | star Green Division |
Male U9 - U9B Bravo - Academy | | N/A |
Male U10 - U10B Alpha - Academy | Champion: Sporting Wichita 2015b Academy Finalist: Blitz Academy FC 16 Boys Afc | star Red Division |
Male U10 - U10B Bravo - Academy | | star Green Division |
Male U10 - U10B Charlie - Recreational | Champion: Porter SC D'feeters + Finalist: Broken Arrow SC Tornadoes - Juarez | N/A |
Male U10 - U10B Delta - Recreational | Champion: Washington County SC Boys Crushers Finalist: Sapulpa SC Elite 2015 | N/A |
Male U10 - U10B Echo - Recreational | Champion: Broken Arrow SC Red Dragons - Buchanan Finalist: Broken Arrow SC BA Smashers - Piper | N/A |
Male U10 - U10B Foxtrot - Recreational | Champion: Broken Arrow SC Rowdies - Wood Finalist: Broken Arrow SC Rattlesnakes - Medlock | N/A |
Male U11 - U11B Alpha - Competitive | Champion: Broken Arrow Express SC 2014b Premier Finalist: West Side Alliance 2014B Red | star Green Division |
Male U11 - U11B Bravo - Competitive | Champion: Advantage Academy 2014 Boys Elite Finalist: Wolves Youth Academy 2014 Boys | star Green Division |
Male U12 - U12B Alpha - Competitive | Champion: Advantage Academy 2013B Finalist: Broken Arrow Express SC 2013b Elite | star Green Division |
Male U12 - U12B Bravo - Competitive | Champion: Neofc Bartlesville 13b Gray Finalist: West Side Alliance SC 13 Boys (tom/ Darrion) | star Green Division |
Male U12 - U12B Charlie - Recreational | Champion: FT Gibson SC Phoenix FC Finalist: Guardians | star Green Division |
Male U12 - U12B Delta - Recreational | Champion: Broken Arrow SC Atomic Fleas + Flowers Finalist: Mysa Independent Teams Kickerz Soccer Club | N/A |
Male U12 - U12B Echo - Recreational | Champion: Tahlequah SC Titans FC Finalist: Oda Oda 2014 | N/A |
Male U12 - U12B Delta - Recreational | Champion: Broken Arrow SC Atomic Fleas + Flowers Finalist: Mysa Independent Teams Kickerz Soccer Club | N/A |
Male U13 - U13B Alpha - Competitive | Champion: Arkansas Comets FC 2012b Npl Finalist: BA Express 2012b Classic | star Green Division |
Male U14 - U14B Alpha - Competitive | Champion: Tigres Academy 2011 Azul Finalist: BA Express 2011B Premier | star Green Division |
Male U14 - U14B Bravo - Competitive | Champion: NEOFC 11B Red Finalist: Tsc Hurricane 11 Velazquez Red | star Green Division |
Male U14 - U14B Charlie - Recreational | Champion: Union SC Union Juvengaf FC Finalist: Elevatefc 12 Boys | N/A |
Male U15 - U15B Alpha - Competitive | Champion: TSC Hurricane 10 Tiem Red Finalist: Arkansas Wolves SC 2010 Boys | star Green Division |
Male U16 - U16B Alpha - Recreational | Champion: Elevate FC 09 Finalist: Broken Arrow SC Tigers - Mccoy | star Green Division |
Male U17 - U16/17B Alpha - Competitive | | star Green Division |