Male U16 - U16 B Platinum Showcase
Friday 11/24/2023
12:00 PM
Sting SC B2008 NPL NTX Elite Blencoe
Russell Crark - RC O
Saturday 11/25/2023
8:00 AM
HDDYSC Dynamo South 08 PA
Russell Crark - RC M
Saturday 11/25/2023
2:00 PM
HDDYSC Dynamo South 08 PA
Russell Crark - RC H
Saturday 11/25/2023
4:00 PM
Sting SC B2008 NPL NTX Elite Blencoe
Russell Crark - RC G
Sunday 11/26/2023
12:00 PM
Russell Crark - RC H
Click any team name to see the full schedule for that team.
For further information on the standings, contact the tournment director