Under 10 Girls Third Division
Saturday 10/13/2012
11:00 AM
Time Warner Cable Stadium C
Saturday 10/13/2012
11:00 AM
Polonia 03 Girls Red Eagles
Time Warner Cable Stadium D
Saturday 10/13/2012
2:00 PM
Polonia 03 Girls Red Eagles
East 5 North
Saturday 10/13/2012
3:00 PM
West 05 South
Sunday 10/14/2012
10:00 AM
East 5 North
Sunday 10/14/2012
10:00 AM
Polonia 03 Girls Red Eagles
East 5 South
Sunday 10/14/2012
1:00 PM
East 5 North
Sunday 10/14/2012
1:00 PM
East 5 South
Click any team name to see the full schedule for that team.
For further information on the standings, contact the tournment director